future tense
We can make future tense in two ways:
With shorter form of
auxiliary verb ‘hteti’ (ću,
ćeš, će, ćemo, ćete, će) + infinitive (basic form
of the verb).
Example: Future tense of the verb PISATI
1. ću pisati 1. ćemo pisati
2. češ pisati 2. ćete pisati
3. će pisati 3. će pisati
By adding shorter form
of auxiliary verb ‘hteti’ to infinitive’s root.
1. pisaću 1. pisaćemo
2. pisaćeš 2.
3. pisaće 3. pisaće
a) Underline verbs in future tense:
Ja ću doći kod tebe sutra oko 7 sati. Nadam se da ćeš me sačekati spreman. Ponećemo opremu za pecanje, imaćemo na sebi lovačke čizme i obući ćemo tople jakne. Vreme će biti vedro, ali vetrovito. Duvaće snažan vetar sa severa. Nadam se da ćemo uloviti dosta ribe.
b) Conjugate following verbs in future tense: gledati, praviti, želeti, uraditi.
c) Fill in the blanks with verbs in future tense:
Mama ______ (kuvati) kolače za slavu.
Ana i ja ________ (gledati) film u bioskopu.
Ti ______ (želeti) da slaviš rođendan.
Vreme ______ (biti) veoma hladno.
Ispiti ______ (biti) teški.
Learn Serbian with Serbian Teacher Online
Lidija Novakovic Lagrini
You are learning Serbian for a while and you feel confident when it is about grammar rules, writing or understanding. But when you need to communicate in a real life, you are experiencing some difficulties and you are a little bit discouraged by that.
If that is the case, the solution is - talking and only talking. Practice communication and use your Serbian on daily basis as much as possible.
For these exercises, you will need to have a language partner - Serbian speaker. Ask somebody to help you, most of the people will gladly accept. Doesn't matter if they are native or non native Serbian speakers or if the conversation goes alive or online. Pick your role, and - start practicing your Serbian!
Conversation topics:
1) U prodavnici odeće, razgovor kupca i prodavca.
Reči: veličina, boja, pantalone, suknja, sako, košulja, majica, cena, malo, veliko, probati, kupiti, želeti, izvolite, hvala...
2) Na pijaci, razgovor kupca i prodavca.
Reči: kilo, pakovanje, krompir, kupus, šargarepa, paradajz, jabuke, banane, gram, jaja, sir, voće, povrće, skupo, jeftino, izmeriti, zrelo, dajte mi, lubenice, limun, orasi, birati...
3) Na pecanju, razgovor dede i unuka.
Reči: udica, mamac, štap za pecanje, upecati, riba, reka, šaran, som, girica, mreža, voda, mirno, sedeti, čekati, obala...
4) U školi, razgovor učenika i profesorke.
Reči: čas, lekcija, učiti, srpski jezik, gramatika, izgovor, vežbanja, primer, čitati, pisati, ne znati, razumeti, učionica, kasniti, ponoviti, zaboraviti, knjiga, sveska...
5) U kuhinji, razgovor muža i žene.
Reči: ručak. večera, jesti, doručak, kuvati, ukusno, so, biber, salata, musaka, sarma, meso, tanjir, viljuška, kašika, gibanica, ajvar, sto, dragi...
6) U noćnom klubu, razgovor momka i devojke koji se ne poznaju.
Reči: zdravo, zvati se, popiti, piće, muzika, glasno, di džej, koncert, noćni život, gde, koliko, po zanimanju, slušati, lepa, veče, ponovo...
Serbian Teacher Online
Lidija Novakovic Lagrini
Serbian present tense is
not very difficult for understanding and remembering. The only part that might
make certain difficulty to the Serbian learners is the form for 3rd
person plural.
Let’s repeat the endings: Singular: -M, -Š, -O, Plural: -MO, -TE, -U/-E/-JU.
These endings are always the same for every verb of Serbian language in present tense whose basic form (infinitive) end with –TI. The only form with variations is 3rd person plural –U/-E/-JU.
But there is a rule that might help us to choose the right ending with a verb we want to conjugate or to use in a sentence.
In 3rd person of Serbian present tense, endings might be –U, -E or –JU. That depends on a 1st of the verb we want to conjugate.
If the verb in its 1st person form ends with –im, form in a 3rd person will end with –E. Verbs: voleti (1st person – volim, 3rd person – vole), videti (1st person – vidim, 3rd person – vide), misliti (1st - person mislim, 3rd person – misle), tražiti (1st person – tražim, 3rd person – traže) etc.
If the verb in its 1st person form ends with –em, form in a 3rd person will end with –U. Verbs: kazati (1st person – kažem, 3rd person – kažu), piti (1st person – pijem, 3rd person – piju), pasti (1st person – padnem, 3rd person – padnu), jesti (1st person – jedem, 3rd person – jedu), etc. These verbs are most often irregular.
The majority of the verbs end with –JU in a 3rd person plural of present tense. These verbs are mostly regular and end with –am in a 1st person of present tense.
If you have more questions about the Present tense in Serbian language, write to Serbian Teacher Online - kratkeprice@gmail.com
Lidija Novakovic Lagrini
The text which follows might help you to expand your Serbian vocabulary and to practice making simple sentences in Serbian language.
Text: Leto u
U julu je u
Srbiji uvek veoma toplo. Temperatura je nekad 40 stepeni.
Mnogi Srbi idu na more, u Grčku, Tursku ili Crnu Goru.
Beograđani imaju Adu. To je rečno ostrvo. Na
njemu su plaža, sportski tereni za badmington, tenis, odbojku, golf; mali
Zoološki vrt sa domaćim životinjama, itd. Posetioci mogu videti ovce, mačke,
pse, labudove... U restoranu mogu naručiti pljeskavice, riblju čorbu ili
pasulj. Nije skupo.
U Srbiji se održavaju mnogi festivali. Na
primer Exit u Novom Sadu i festival trube u Guči. Na Exitu sviraju moderni
tehno, pop, dens bendovi. Na festivalu u Guči sviraju trubački bendovi. Exit je
u julu, a festival u Guči je u avgustu.
1. Translate:
U julu
Na primer
Rečno ostrvo
Riblja čorba
Nije skupo
40 degrees
Sport courts
In Serbia
Monte Negro
Citizens of Belgrade
Domestic animals
May order
To take place
In Novi Sad
2. Use the following words/phrases
and make simple sentences:
U Novom Sadu
U avgustu
Domaće životinje
When you are done, send your solutions to my email and I will check your answers and send you the feedback.
Learning Serbian is easier with Serbian Teacher Online
Lidija Novakovic Lagrini
The tenses in Serbian language might be simple or complex. Past tense belongs to the group of complex tenses, because it is made of two verbs (an auxiliary verb and an ordinary verb).
When you want to make past tense in Serbian language, you will use:
1) auxilliary verb ’jesam’ (shorter form)
2) stem – the first part of the verb (without ending ’ti’) – gleda(ti), peva(ti), žele(ti) ...
And then you add endings – o, la, lo, li, le, la (depending of a gender of a word)
Ja sam želeo, želela, želelo
Ti si želeo, želela, želelo
On je želeo, ona je želela, ono je želelo
Mi smo želeli, želele, želela
Vi ste želeli, želele, želela
Oni su želeli, one su želele, ona su želela
Ja sam pevao, pevala, pevalo
Ti si pevao, pevala, pevalo
On je pevao, ona je pevala, ono je pevalo
Mi smo pevali, pevale, pevala
Vi ste pevali, pevale, pevala
Oni su pevali, one su pevale, ona su pevala
1. Make the past tense from
following verbs (napravi prošlo vreme od sledećih glagola):
Tražiti VratitiČekati Igrati Praviti
2. Podvuci glagole u
prošlom vremenu – Underline verbs in past tense:
Ja sam spavala do podne.Oni su ostali sa nama.Čekali smo voz.Marko je mislio na Anu.Ti si pričao o vestima.Dečaci su trčali na stadionu.Devojčica je želela lutku.Prijatelji su pili vino.Učitelj je glasno čitao knjigu.Sestre su govorile holandski jezik.Ja sam telefonirala dečku.Uveče u dnevnoj sobi otac je gledao TV.Šetali smo u centru Amsterdama.Vreme je bilo lepo.
3. Put the sentences into
past time, like in example
Oni dolaze u
podne. – Oni su dolazili u podne.
Mi razgovaramo o knjizi.
Ana misli na svoju sestru.
Kiša pada.
Marko i Ana sanjaju isti san.
Za doručak imate musli i jogurt.
Telefon zvoni.
Marko spava.
Sunce sija.
Ana vozi dobar auto.
Moj deda dobro kuva.
Da li želiš čašu mleka?
Maja lepo peva.
Did you get it right ?
Write me to check your answers.
Learn Serbian language easily with
Serbian Teacher Online
Lidija Lagrini
Да ли Ваше дете жели да научи ћирилицу, али на интернету не може наћи задатке за свој ниво? Ево једног лаког вежбања које га може подстаћи и охрабрити у учењу.
Encourage your child to learn Serbian Cyrillic with Serbian teacher online.
Which Cyrillic letters are missing ?
Which Cyrillic letters are missing ?
Која ћирилична слова недостају ?
Уколико желите још вежбања попут овог, пишите ми на kratkeprice@gmail.com .
Да ли сте погодили ? Пишите ми и проверите своје одговоре.
Learn Serbian online!
Lidija Novakovic Lagrini
Lidija Novakovic Lagrini
In everyday conversations, we very often use modal constructions.The formula for making modal construction in present tense in Serbian language is:
Modal verbs in every language are the verbs which usually
demand other verb.
Like in English examples: I have to go. You may proceed. I want
to talk. We need to stay. etc.
These verbs often have the irregular conjugation. Let’s first
see the conjugation of these verbs (and later we’ll see them in a role of modal
MOĆI (may) – iregular verb
Ja mogu
Ti možeš
On, ona, ono može
Mi možemo
Vi možete
Oni, one, ona mogu
HTETI (want) – this verb is iregular, modal and auxiliary
Ja hoću/ću
Ti hoćeš/ćeš
On, ona, ono hoće/će
Mi hoćemo/ćemo
Vi hoćete/ćete
Oni, one, ona hoće/će
MORATI (must, have to) – regular verb
SMETI (to be allowed) – regular verb
ŽELETI (wish) – iregular verb
Ja želim
Ti želiš
On, ona, ono želi
Mi želimo
Vi želite
Oni, one, ona žele
VOLETI (love, like) – the same conjugation as ŽELETI
TREBATI (need) – this verb is special and it is only in use
in its modal form:
Ja treba da...
Ti treba da...
On, ona, ono treba da...
Mi treba da...
Vi treba da...
Oni, one, ona treba da...
ZNATI – regular verb
In modal constructions, these verbs are used with the conjunction
Ja znam da plivam
Ti treba sada da spavaš.
Mi moramo da učimo.
Vi smete još malo da spavate.
Ona želi da uči nemački jezik.
On može da ide.
Ja ću sada da kuvam.
When you learn how to make modal constructions in Serbian language, that will be a nice way to say your message in conversation and to improve your communication skills. If you want to learn Serbian modal construction in past tense, write me
Learn Serbian online with
Lidija Novaković Lagrini
Is it difficult to learn Serbian language ?
Depends. Some areas are easy and some are difficult; just like in many other languages. If you want to learn easy language, learn Esperanto. But, unfortunately, you probably won't find too many people to talk with. It's a shame, Esperanto is a wonderful language. But, let's get back to the Serbian.
What is easy?
1) Words order. It's pretty much liberal in comparison to other languages. Just relax and combine the words.
2) Alphabet. We brag sometimes that we have the perfect alphabet, because we accomplished the ideal - one letter for one sound. That is making the reading easier, naturally.
3) Present tense of regular verbs. There is a grammar formula for this and you may apply it to all regular verbs. To make negative form is equally easy, by adding 'ne' in front of the verb.
What is of the medium difficulty?
1) Gender of changeable words. Many languages have this category. In Serbian it's not too difficult to recognize the gender. Either use simple logic, or pay attention to the last letter.
2) Plural. There are few grammar patterns for making plural.
3) Modal constructions. Modal verb and the following verb are always connected by conjunction DA.
4) DA LI questions. You may easily learn this basic type of asking questions.
What is difficult?
1) Case. Changeable words have different endings depending of the role the word takes in a sentence. For example, the word 'majka' (mother) might be 'majke', 'majci', 'majku', 'majko', majkom', and that is only the declension in singular.
If you are a speaker of some other language which recognizes cases (Slavic languages for example), this will not be difficult for you, because you understand the concept. But if you are not...
How to make the difficult easier?
a) memorize propositions, b) memorize typical declensions for all three genders, c) read the theory about different positions words might have in a sentence, it helps.
2) Pronunciation of some letters, I will write them in Cyrillic: Ђ, Џ, Њ, Љ, Ч, Ћ. Sometimes R (Р in Cyrillic).
How to make this easier, you may read in the article Pronunciation of Serbian Letters .
Are you a learner of Serbian ? Do you agree with my opinion ?
it would be valuable to know,
Serbian Teacher online
Lidija Novaković Lagrini
The great way to learn Serbian is to watch movies, TV-shows and to follow Serbian YouTube stars.
Have you already heard for Dinja ? 12.000 people like her on Facebook, she has 60.000 followers on Instagram and her videos on Youtube are seen 3.000.000 times. Her jokes are sharp, absurd, hilarious, extremely funny and often funny and serious at the same time.
Wouldn't you like to know what is she talking about ?
Gaće su pravo izbora - The Underpants are the Right of Choice
What kind of question is that - why am I wearing underpants around my neck ?!!
You are violating my integrity, you don't have any right to ask me that !!
My underpants are my jewelry.
And ? Now what ?
As a woman, I have the right to choose how do I wear my underpants, around the neck or...
I don't understand, why are you abusing me ?!
Let me know which other clips do you like. Learn Serbian online while laughing with Serbian humor.
Serbian Teacher Online
Lidija Novaković Lagrini
Да ли Ваше дете жели да научи ћирилицу, али на интернету не може наћи задатке за свој ниво? Ево једног лаког вежбања које га може подстаћи и охрабрити у учењу.
Encourage your child to learn Serbian online with purple bear.
Уколико желите још вежбања попут овог, пишите ми на kratkeprice@gmail.com .
Which sentences about the picture are correct ?
Koje реченице о нацртаном меди су тачне ?
1. На слици су меда, лисица и вук.
2. Меда има розе шапице.
3. Меда воли да једе мед.
4. Пчеле праве мед.
5. Медвед је љубичаст.
6. Слон је загрлио медведа.
7. Медвед једе сладолед.
8. Меда има црвену сукњу.
9. На слици је 11 пчела.
10. Поред меде нацртан је његов ауто.
11. Меда спава.
12. Меда је радостан.
Да ли сте погодили ? Колико реченица је тачно ? Пишите ми и проверите своје одговоре.
Learn Serbian online!
Lidija Novakovic Lagrini
Lidija Novakovic Lagrini
Да ли Ваше дете жели да научи ћирилицу, али на интернету не може наћи задатке за свој ниво? Ево једног лаког вежбања које га може подстаћи и охрабрити у учењу.
Encourage your child to learn Serbian online with these easy exercises.
Уколико желите још вежбања попут овог, пишите ми на kratkeprice@gmail.com .
1. Које предмете видиш на слици ? Упиши слова која недостају. Which оbjects do you see on the picture? Fill in the blanks.
1. ОЛО_К_
4. ЛЕЊИ_
6. _ОЉА
7. КЊИ_А
1. Шта видиш на слици ? Упиши слова која недостају. What do you see on the picture? Fill in the blanks.
1. _УНЦЕ
6. РИ_А
Learn Serbian online!
Lidija Novaković Lagrini
Ако учите српски језик, већ знате да је наше писмо ЋИРИЛИЦА. Има је свуда - на таблама са називима улица, на рекламама, саобраћајним знацима, у школским књигама... Иако користимо и латиницу, ћирилица је наше национално писмо и на њу смо поносни. Она је битан део српске и балканске културе. Ћирилична слова изгледају шармантно, а звуче заводљиво. Проверите и сами - Љ за љубав и љуљашку, Њ за његово и њено, Џ за џукац, Ђ за ђубре, Д за добар дан...
Test your knowledge and then check your answers with Serbian teacher online.
If you learn Serbian for a year or two and Cyrillic is still a mystery, maybe you need to practice more. What is bothering you ? Some specific letter ? Pronunciation or writing ? Write me about it. Learn Serbian online in efficient manner.
If you learn Serbian for a year or two and Cyrillic is still a mystery, maybe you need to practice more. What is bothering you ? Some specific letter ? Pronunciation or writing ? Write me about it. Learn Serbian online in efficient manner.
Which sentences are true about this picture?
1. Дечак свира на гитари.
2. Лептир је зелене боје.
3. Бубамара је исте боје као крошња дрвета.
4. Наочаре пију кафу.
5. Тачно је девет сати.
6. Девојчица бере јабуке са дрвета.
7. Деда је згазио наочаре.
8. Лепа Брена свира виолину.
9. Жута шоља је пуна кафе.
10. Бубамара се пење на дрво.
11. Лептир је ујео бубамару.
12. Наочаре су нацртане изнад шоље.
13. Ауторка цртежа је Весна, Лидијина мајка.
14. Лептир се налази лево од гитаре.
15. Наочаре изгледају као да немају стакла.
16. Дрво једе сир.
17. На слици се налазе две животиње.
18. Крошња дрвета пуна је јабука.
19. На слици се налазе 3 биљке.
20. На слици се налази један музички инструмент.
Ако желите да проверите своја решења, пишите ми на kratkeprice@gmail.com
Serbian teacher online
Lidija Novakovic Lagrini
Илустратор Весна Новаковић
Илустратор Весна Новаковић
Do you have trouble with cases? Just like any other person in a world who has ever learnt Serbian language.
This is a small HELP for you - examples of typical and most common declensions of nouns for all three genders. Would you like to know MORE about cases? Write to Serbian teacher online. Learn Serbian online by using free material on my blog, watching Serbian clips and films and listening to the Serbian music. And of course - read post about basic grammar of Serbian language.
DEČAK (noun, masculine)
(singular) (plural)
MAJKA (noun, feminine)
(singular) (plural)
JUTRO (noun, neutral)
(singular) (plural)
Learn Serbian online and happy learning!
Lidija Novaković Lagrini
How it works?
First we have introductory (free) conversation. In it you tell me what is your purpose and goal in learning Serbian, how far do you want to go, and do you have some previous knowledge or not at all.
Then we agree on weekly term for the lesson and the way of payment which suits you best.
Before every lesson, I send to your email texts, pictures, links, grammar lessons, exercises etc.
Then - we have normal lessons of Serbian language. Our classroom is virtual and we have headphones, but we communicate and learn Serbian exactly the same as we were sitting in a same room, in our comfortable chairs, at the desk.
Then - you are enjoying in learning Serbian and becoming more confident in communication. Everybody tells you: 'You have really advanced lately!'
If you have questions about this topic or you want to schedule introductory conversation, you may write me to kratkeprice@gmail.com .
Kako to funkcioniše?
Jednostavno!Prvo imamo uvodni (besplatni) razgovor preko Skajpa. Tada mi Vi kažete za koje svrhe Vam je potreban srpski jezik, da li imate neko predznanje ili ne i koji je Vaš cilj - do kog nivoa govorenja i pisanja srpskog jezika želite da stignete.
Onda se dogovorimo o nedeljnom terminu i o načinu plaćanja koji Vam najviše odgovara.
Onda Vam pre svakog časa pošaljem na mejl materijal za učenje - tekstove, slike, linkove, vežbanja, gramatičke lekcije itd.
Onda - imamo normalne privatne časove srpskog jezika. Naša učionica je virtuelna i imamo slušalice na ušima, ali razgovaramo i učimo kao da sedimo u istoj prostoriji, udobno smešni u svojim stolicama, za radnim stolom.
Onda - uživate u učenju srpskog jezika i postajete samouvereni u komunikaciji. Svi Vam kažu: 'U poslednje vreme baš napreduješ!'
Ukoliko imate neko pitanje na ovu temu ili želite da zakažete uvodni razgovor, pišite mi na adresu
kratkeprice@gmail.com .
Kako to funkcioniše ?
Prvo imamo uvodni (besplatni) razgovor preko Skajpa. Tada mi Vi kažete za koje svrhe Vam je potreban srpski jezik, da li imate neko predznanje ili ne i koji je Vaš cilj - do kog nivoa govorenja i pisanja srpskog jezika želite da stignete.
Onda se dogovorimo o nedeljnom terminu i o načinu plaćanja koji Vam najviše odgovara.
Onda Vam pre svakog časa pošaljem na mejl materijal za učenje - tekstove, slike, linkove, vežbanja, gramatičke lekcije itd.
Onda - imamo normalne privatne časove srpskog jezika. Naša učionica je virtuelna i imamo slušalice na ušima, ali razgovaramo i učimo kao da sedimo u istoj prostoriji, udobno smešni u svojim stolicama, za radnim stolom.
Onda - uživate u učenju srpskog jezika i postajete samouvereni u komunikaciji. Svi Vam kažu: 'U poslednje vreme baš napreduješ!'
Ukoliko imate neko pitanje na ovu temu ili želite da zakažete uvodni razgovor, pišite mi na adresu
kratkeprice@gmail.com .
Lidija Novaković Lagrini
Cases are the important part in a process of learning Serbian language. There are 7 cases in singular and 7 cases in plural and it's not easy to know them all. For correct use of cases usually is needed to spend some time among native speakers and to be an advanced learner of Serbian. It's useful if you already know other Slavic language, because cases are characteristic of Slavic languages. How good are you in cases? Check your knowledge.
Choose the correct case:
1) Čitala sam _____ . a) strip, b) stripom, c) stripe
2) Marko ima lepu _______ . a) devojka, b) devojke, c) devojku
3) Pišem pismo _______ . a) olovka, b) olovke, c) olovkom
4) ______ putuje vozom. a) Mariju, b) Marija, c) Marijom
5) Marko je doneo _____ cveće. a) Mariju, b) Marija, c) Mariji
6) Vidimo se sutra u 7 ispred ______ . a) škole, b)škola, c) školom
7) Moja ________ je malo nervozna. a) drugarici, b) drugarica, c) drugarice
8) Okrenuo sam se za lepim _________ . a) devojke, b) devojaka, c) devojkama
Do you have some dilemmas about your answers?
If you do, and if you want to schedule a free conversation about Serbian lessons online, write me:
Learn Serbian online with
Lidija Novaković Lagrini
Lidija Novaković Lagrini
If you want to learn Serbian online, here are some useful exercises that you might try. If you want to start the online lessons of Serbian language here are information about it.
Serbian FOR CHILDREN (part 2)
Learn Serbian online with
Lidija Novaković Lagrini
Serbian FOR CHILDREN (part 2)
Learn Serbian online with
Lidija Novaković Lagrini
If you want to learn Serbian online, here are some useful exercises that you might try. If you want to start the online lessons of Serbian language here are information about it.
DA LI sentences
Vocabulary and Grammar Exercises for Intermediate Level
Serbian Grammar - Exercises for Beginners (part 3)
Serbian Grammar - Exercises for Beginners (part 2)
Serbian Grammar - Exercises for Beginners (part 1)
Auxiliary Verb JESAM (SAM)
Learn Serbian online with
Lidija Novaković Lagrini
DA LI sentences
Vocabulary and Grammar Exercises for Intermediate Level
Serbian Grammar - Exercises for Beginners (part 3)
Serbian Grammar - Exercises for Beginners (part 2)
Serbian Grammar - Exercises for Beginners (part 1)
Auxiliary Verb JESAM (SAM)
Learn Serbian online with
Lidija Novaković Lagrini
Probably you have already tasted Serbian gibanica. It's similar to famous burek, but not completely the same. There are few versions of it. I will present you my favorite recipe for the gibanica. This version is called 'gužvara'. You may read the recipe in Serbian and in English; so, you may compare and learn some new words besides learning how to make this delicious dish.
Potrebno Vam je: kore (1 pakovanje), 500 gr belog sira, šolja jogurta, čaša kisele vode, 5 jaja, 2 kašičice soli, decilitar ulja.
Zagrejte rernu na 200 stepeni. Nauljite tepsiju. Stavite tri kore na dno.
Pomešajte sir, jogurt, kiselu vodu, 4 jaja, 1,5 kašičicu soli i ulje i napravite kompaktnu smesu.
Jednu po jednu koru umačite i smesu pa je zgužvajte i ređajte u tepsiju. Na kraju prelijte sve ostatkom smese. Stavite još dve kore preko svega.
Umutite 1 jaje sa malo ulja i pola kašičice soli. Prelijte gibanicu.
Pecite u rerni oko 35 minuta.
You will need: kore (1 package) (I left this Serbian word, because there is no good English alternative; in Serbia ask for 'kore' and in other countries you may also find it in Turkish stores, they call it 'jufka'), 500 gr white cheese, cup of yogurt, glass of mineral water, 5 eggs, 2 teaspoons of salt, 1 deciliter of oil.
Preheat oven to 200 degrees. Take big baking dish and oil it a little bit. Place three kore on the bottom.
Mix cheese, yogurt, mineral water, 4 eggs, 1,5 teaspoon of salt and oil, and make a compact mixture.
Take one by one kore, crumple it, immerse it into mixture. Place them next to each other in baking dish. When you finish, pour the remains of mixture over everything. Put 2 kore on the top.
Whisk 1 egg with little bit of salt and oil. Pour that small mixture over gibanica. Then, it is ready for the oven.
Bake it in oven for about 35 minutes.
Learn Serbian online while making delicious dishes,
Lidija Novaković Lagrini