Showing posts with label Serbian Language Lessons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Serbian Language Lessons. Show all posts
future tense
We can make future tense in two ways:
With shorter form of
auxiliary verb ‘hteti’ (ću,
ćeš, će, ćemo, ćete, će) + infinitive (basic form
of the verb).
Example: Future tense of the verb PISATI
1. ću pisati 1. ćemo pisati
2. češ pisati 2. ćete pisati
3. će pisati 3. će pisati
By adding shorter form
of auxiliary verb ‘hteti’ to infinitive’s root.
1. pisaću 1. pisaćemo
2. pisaćeš 2.
3. pisaće 3. pisaće
a) Underline verbs in future tense:
Ja ću doći kod tebe sutra oko 7 sati. Nadam se da ćeš me sačekati spreman. Ponećemo opremu za pecanje, imaćemo na sebi lovačke čizme i obući ćemo tople jakne. Vreme će biti vedro, ali vetrovito. Duvaće snažan vetar sa severa. Nadam se da ćemo uloviti dosta ribe.
b) Conjugate following verbs in future tense: gledati, praviti, želeti, uraditi.
c) Fill in the blanks with verbs in future tense:
Mama ______ (kuvati) kolače za slavu.
Ana i ja ________ (gledati) film u bioskopu.
Ti ______ (želeti) da slaviš rođendan.
Vreme ______ (biti) veoma hladno.
Ispiti ______ (biti) teški.
Learn Serbian with Serbian Teacher Online
Lidija Novakovic Lagrini
You are learning Serbian for a while and you feel confident when it is about grammar rules, writing or understanding. But when you need to communicate in a real life, you are experiencing some difficulties and you are a little bit discouraged by that.
If that is the case, the solution is - talking and only talking. Practice communication and use your Serbian on daily basis as much as possible.
For these exercises, you will need to have a language partner - Serbian speaker. Ask somebody to help you, most of the people will gladly accept. Doesn't matter if they are native or non native Serbian speakers or if the conversation goes alive or online. Pick your role, and - start practicing your Serbian!
Conversation topics:
1) U prodavnici odeće, razgovor kupca i prodavca.
Reči: veličina, boja, pantalone, suknja, sako, košulja, majica, cena, malo, veliko, probati, kupiti, želeti, izvolite, hvala...
2) Na pijaci, razgovor kupca i prodavca.
Reči: kilo, pakovanje, krompir, kupus, šargarepa, paradajz, jabuke, banane, gram, jaja, sir, voće, povrće, skupo, jeftino, izmeriti, zrelo, dajte mi, lubenice, limun, orasi, birati...
3) Na pecanju, razgovor dede i unuka.
Reči: udica, mamac, štap za pecanje, upecati, riba, reka, šaran, som, girica, mreža, voda, mirno, sedeti, čekati, obala...
4) U školi, razgovor učenika i profesorke.
Reči: čas, lekcija, učiti, srpski jezik, gramatika, izgovor, vežbanja, primer, čitati, pisati, ne znati, razumeti, učionica, kasniti, ponoviti, zaboraviti, knjiga, sveska...
5) U kuhinji, razgovor muža i žene.
Reči: ručak. večera, jesti, doručak, kuvati, ukusno, so, biber, salata, musaka, sarma, meso, tanjir, viljuška, kašika, gibanica, ajvar, sto, dragi...
6) U noćnom klubu, razgovor momka i devojke koji se ne poznaju.
Reči: zdravo, zvati se, popiti, piće, muzika, glasno, di džej, koncert, noćni život, gde, koliko, po zanimanju, slušati, lepa, veče, ponovo...
Serbian Teacher Online
Lidija Novakovic Lagrini
Serbian present tense is
not very difficult for understanding and remembering. The only part that might
make certain difficulty to the Serbian learners is the form for 3rd
person plural.
Let’s repeat the endings: Singular: -M, -Š, -O, Plural: -MO, -TE, -U/-E/-JU.
These endings are always the same for every verb of Serbian language in present tense whose basic form (infinitive) end with –TI. The only form with variations is 3rd person plural –U/-E/-JU.
But there is a rule that might help us to choose the right ending with a verb we want to conjugate or to use in a sentence.
In 3rd person of Serbian present tense, endings might be –U, -E or –JU. That depends on a 1st of the verb we want to conjugate.
If the verb in its 1st person form ends with –im, form in a 3rd person will end with –E. Verbs: voleti (1st person – volim, 3rd person – vole), videti (1st person – vidim, 3rd person – vide), misliti (1st - person mislim, 3rd person – misle), tražiti (1st person – tražim, 3rd person – traže) etc.
If the verb in its 1st person form ends with –em, form in a 3rd person will end with –U. Verbs: kazati (1st person – kažem, 3rd person – kažu), piti (1st person – pijem, 3rd person – piju), pasti (1st person – padnem, 3rd person – padnu), jesti (1st person – jedem, 3rd person – jedu), etc. These verbs are most often irregular.
The majority of the verbs end with –JU in a 3rd person plural of present tense. These verbs are mostly regular and end with –am in a 1st person of present tense.
If you have more questions about the Present tense in Serbian language, write to Serbian Teacher Online -
Lidija Novakovic Lagrini
The tenses in Serbian language might be simple or complex. Past tense belongs to the group of complex tenses, because it is made of two verbs (an auxiliary verb and an ordinary verb).
When you want to make past tense in Serbian language, you will use:
1) auxilliary verb ’jesam’ (shorter form)
2) stem – the first part of the verb (without ending ’ti’) – gleda(ti), peva(ti), žele(ti) ...
And then you add endings – o, la, lo, li, le, la (depending of a gender of a word)
Ja sam želeo, želela, želelo
Ti si želeo, želela, želelo
On je želeo, ona je želela, ono je želelo
Mi smo želeli, želele, želela
Vi ste želeli, želele, želela
Oni su želeli, one su želele, ona su želela
Ja sam pevao, pevala, pevalo
Ti si pevao, pevala, pevalo
On je pevao, ona je pevala, ono je pevalo
Mi smo pevali, pevale, pevala
Vi ste pevali, pevale, pevala
Oni su pevali, one su pevale, ona su pevala
1. Make the past tense from
following verbs (napravi prošlo vreme od sledećih glagola):
Tražiti VratitiČekati Igrati Praviti
2. Podvuci glagole u
prošlom vremenu – Underline verbs in past tense:
Ja sam spavala do podne.Oni su ostali sa nama.Čekali smo voz.Marko je mislio na Anu.Ti si pričao o vestima.Dečaci su trčali na stadionu.Devojčica je želela lutku.Prijatelji su pili vino.Učitelj je glasno čitao knjigu.Sestre su govorile holandski jezik.Ja sam telefonirala dečku.Uveče u dnevnoj sobi otac je gledao TV.Šetali smo u centru Amsterdama.Vreme je bilo lepo.
3. Put the sentences into
past time, like in example
Oni dolaze u
podne. – Oni su dolazili u podne.
Mi razgovaramo o knjizi.
Ana misli na svoju sestru.
Kiša pada.
Marko i Ana sanjaju isti san.
Za doručak imate musli i jogurt.
Telefon zvoni.
Marko spava.
Sunce sija.
Ana vozi dobar auto.
Moj deda dobro kuva.
Da li želiš čašu mleka?
Maja lepo peva.
Did you get it right ?
Write me to check your answers.
Learn Serbian language easily with
Serbian Teacher Online
Lidija Lagrini
Да ли Ваше дете жели да научи ћирилицу, али на интернету не може наћи задатке за свој ниво? Ево једног лаког вежбања које га може подстаћи и охрабрити у учењу.
Encourage your child to learn Serbian Cyrillic with Serbian teacher online.
Which Cyrillic letters are missing ?
Which Cyrillic letters are missing ?
Која ћирилична слова недостају ?
Уколико желите још вежбања попут овог, пишите ми на .
Да ли сте погодили ? Пишите ми и проверите своје одговоре.
Learn Serbian online!
Lidija Novakovic Lagrini
Lidija Novakovic Lagrini
In everyday conversations, we very often use modal constructions.The formula for making modal construction in present tense in Serbian language is:
Modal verbs in every language are the verbs which usually
demand other verb.
Like in English examples: I have to go. You may proceed. I want
to talk. We need to stay. etc.
These verbs often have the irregular conjugation. Let’s first
see the conjugation of these verbs (and later we’ll see them in a role of modal
MOĆI (may) – iregular verb
Ja mogu
Ti možeš
On, ona, ono može
Mi možemo
Vi možete
Oni, one, ona mogu
HTETI (want) – this verb is iregular, modal and auxiliary
Ja hoću/ću
Ti hoćeš/ćeš
On, ona, ono hoće/će
Mi hoćemo/ćemo
Vi hoćete/ćete
Oni, one, ona hoće/će
MORATI (must, have to) – regular verb
SMETI (to be allowed) – regular verb
ŽELETI (wish) – iregular verb
Ja želim
Ti želiš
On, ona, ono želi
Mi želimo
Vi želite
Oni, one, ona žele
VOLETI (love, like) – the same conjugation as ŽELETI
TREBATI (need) – this verb is special and it is only in use
in its modal form:
Ja treba da...
Ti treba da...
On, ona, ono treba da...
Mi treba da...
Vi treba da...
Oni, one, ona treba da...
ZNATI – regular verb
In modal constructions, these verbs are used with the conjunction
Ja znam da plivam
Ti treba sada da spavaš.
Mi moramo da učimo.
Vi smete još malo da spavate.
Ona želi da uči nemački jezik.
On može da ide.
Ja ću sada da kuvam.
When you learn how to make modal constructions in Serbian language, that will be a nice way to say your message in conversation and to improve your communication skills. If you want to learn Serbian modal construction in past tense, write me
Learn Serbian online with
Lidija Novaković Lagrini
Is it difficult to learn Serbian language ?
Depends. Some areas are easy and some are difficult; just like in many other languages. If you want to learn easy language, learn Esperanto. But, unfortunately, you probably won't find too many people to talk with. It's a shame, Esperanto is a wonderful language. But, let's get back to the Serbian.
What is easy?
1) Words order. It's pretty much liberal in comparison to other languages. Just relax and combine the words.
2) Alphabet. We brag sometimes that we have the perfect alphabet, because we accomplished the ideal - one letter for one sound. That is making the reading easier, naturally.
3) Present tense of regular verbs. There is a grammar formula for this and you may apply it to all regular verbs. To make negative form is equally easy, by adding 'ne' in front of the verb.
What is of the medium difficulty?
1) Gender of changeable words. Many languages have this category. In Serbian it's not too difficult to recognize the gender. Either use simple logic, or pay attention to the last letter.
2) Plural. There are few grammar patterns for making plural.
3) Modal constructions. Modal verb and the following verb are always connected by conjunction DA.
4) DA LI questions. You may easily learn this basic type of asking questions.
What is difficult?
1) Case. Changeable words have different endings depending of the role the word takes in a sentence. For example, the word 'majka' (mother) might be 'majke', 'majci', 'majku', 'majko', majkom', and that is only the declension in singular.
If you are a speaker of some other language which recognizes cases (Slavic languages for example), this will not be difficult for you, because you understand the concept. But if you are not...
How to make the difficult easier?
a) memorize propositions, b) memorize typical declensions for all three genders, c) read the theory about different positions words might have in a sentence, it helps.
2) Pronunciation of some letters, I will write them in Cyrillic: Ђ, Џ, Њ, Љ, Ч, Ћ. Sometimes R (Р in Cyrillic).
How to make this easier, you may read in the article Pronunciation of Serbian Letters .
Are you a learner of Serbian ? Do you agree with my opinion ?
it would be valuable to know,
Serbian Teacher online
Lidija Novaković Lagrini
Да ли Ваше дете жели да научи ћирилицу, али на интернету не може наћи задатке за свој ниво? Ево једног лаког вежбања које га може подстаћи и охрабрити у учењу.
Encourage your child to learn Serbian online with purple bear.
Уколико желите још вежбања попут овог, пишите ми на .
Which sentences about the picture are correct ?
Koje реченице о нацртаном меди су тачне ?
1. На слици су меда, лисица и вук.
2. Меда има розе шапице.
3. Меда воли да једе мед.
4. Пчеле праве мед.
5. Медвед је љубичаст.
6. Слон је загрлио медведа.
7. Медвед једе сладолед.
8. Меда има црвену сукњу.
9. На слици је 11 пчела.
10. Поред меде нацртан је његов ауто.
11. Меда спава.
12. Меда је радостан.
Да ли сте погодили ? Колико реченица је тачно ? Пишите ми и проверите своје одговоре.
Learn Serbian online!
Lidija Novakovic Lagrini
Lidija Novakovic Lagrini
Do you have trouble with cases? Just like any other person in a world who has ever learnt Serbian language.
This is a small HELP for you - examples of typical and most common declensions of nouns for all three genders. Would you like to know MORE about cases? Write to Serbian teacher online. Learn Serbian online by using free material on my blog, watching Serbian clips and films and listening to the Serbian music. And of course - read post about basic grammar of Serbian language.
DEČAK (noun, masculine)
(singular) (plural)
MAJKA (noun, feminine)
(singular) (plural)
JUTRO (noun, neutral)
(singular) (plural)
Learn Serbian online and happy learning!
Lidija Novaković Lagrini
How it works?
First we have introductory (free) conversation. In it you tell me what is your purpose and goal in learning Serbian, how far do you want to go, and do you have some previous knowledge or not at all.
Then we agree on weekly term for the lesson and the way of payment which suits you best.
Before every lesson, I send to your email texts, pictures, links, grammar lessons, exercises etc.
Then - we have normal lessons of Serbian language. Our classroom is virtual and we have headphones, but we communicate and learn Serbian exactly the same as we were sitting in a same room, in our comfortable chairs, at the desk.
Then - you are enjoying in learning Serbian and becoming more confident in communication. Everybody tells you: 'You have really advanced lately!'
If you have questions about this topic or you want to schedule introductory conversation, you may write me to .
Kako to funkcioniše?
Jednostavno!Prvo imamo uvodni (besplatni) razgovor preko Skajpa. Tada mi Vi kažete za koje svrhe Vam je potreban srpski jezik, da li imate neko predznanje ili ne i koji je Vaš cilj - do kog nivoa govorenja i pisanja srpskog jezika želite da stignete.
Onda se dogovorimo o nedeljnom terminu i o načinu plaćanja koji Vam najviše odgovara.
Onda Vam pre svakog časa pošaljem na mejl materijal za učenje - tekstove, slike, linkove, vežbanja, gramatičke lekcije itd.
Onda - imamo normalne privatne časove srpskog jezika. Naša učionica je virtuelna i imamo slušalice na ušima, ali razgovaramo i učimo kao da sedimo u istoj prostoriji, udobno smešni u svojim stolicama, za radnim stolom.
Onda - uživate u učenju srpskog jezika i postajete samouvereni u komunikaciji. Svi Vam kažu: 'U poslednje vreme baš napreduješ!'
Ukoliko imate neko pitanje na ovu temu ili želite da zakažete uvodni razgovor, pišite mi na adresu .
Kako to funkcioniše ?
Prvo imamo uvodni (besplatni) razgovor preko Skajpa. Tada mi Vi kažete za koje svrhe Vam je potreban srpski jezik, da li imate neko predznanje ili ne i koji je Vaš cilj - do kog nivoa govorenja i pisanja srpskog jezika želite da stignete.
Onda se dogovorimo o nedeljnom terminu i o načinu plaćanja koji Vam najviše odgovara.
Onda Vam pre svakog časa pošaljem na mejl materijal za učenje - tekstove, slike, linkove, vežbanja, gramatičke lekcije itd.
Onda - imamo normalne privatne časove srpskog jezika. Naša učionica je virtuelna i imamo slušalice na ušima, ali razgovaramo i učimo kao da sedimo u istoj prostoriji, udobno smešni u svojim stolicama, za radnim stolom.
Onda - uživate u učenju srpskog jezika i postajete samouvereni u komunikaciji. Svi Vam kažu: 'U poslednje vreme baš napreduješ!'
Ukoliko imate neko pitanje na ovu temu ili želite da zakažete uvodni razgovor, pišite mi na adresu .
Lidija Novaković Lagrini
Learn how to make questions in Serbian. 'Da li' sentences are the basic way of asking question, when the expected answer is Yes or No.
They always start with 'da li' and it's easier to make them in Serbian than in English.
Common formulas:
DA LI + AUXILIARY VERB + other parts
Translate sentences:
Are you well?
Is she pretty?
Am I your brother?
Are we going?
Are you professors?
Is he a good man?
Is she your child?
Are they here?
Am I from Venezuela?
Is it cold?
Da li je ona gospođa Petrović?
Da li je beba dečak?
Da li je on tvoj otac?
Da li je to vaša kuća?
Da li sam lepa?
Da li je danas ponedeljak?
If you are interested in Serbian courses or you want to check your answers, contact Serbian teacher online.
Learn Serbian online with
Lidija Novaković Lagrini
Lidija Novaković Lagrini

Learning via Skype is not new. For decades people all over the world learn foreign language, how to play an instrument or have business interviews via Skype or via similar tools. Even so, some people are still skeptical about this method. Here are few reasons why Serbian language lessons online might be better solution than other methods.
1) Learning from home.
To learn new language is not easy and that's why you want to provide the most pleasant conditions for your learning. The most comfortable is learning from your own home.2) Saving money and time which you would spend on transport.
Language learning lasts at least 6 months and often for several years. Learning Serbian is not an exception. Calculate how much money would you spend on transport to the language school or teacher's house, and back. Saving is not negligible at all.The same goes for time saving.
3) Online lessons are more effective because they are more direct - those are face to face conversations.
When you have online lesson, the teacher is absolutely focused on student, and the other way around. Contact is direct, face to face. Nothing distracts you.4) Learning material is free.
Before every lesson, you get lots of learning material to your e-mail (word documents, pictures, links etc.). From that moment, material belongs to you for further use with a Serbian teacher online or independently.5) Online lessons are more interactive.
You may watch a video and comment with a teacher, you may play language game during lesson or learn Serbian by listening words of popular song. In online lessons we use all the advantages of Internet. Level of interactivity is higher than in other learning methods. As more as your senses are engaged, sooner you will learn Serbian language.6) Online lessons are individual and adapted to student's needs.
Serbian teacher online has general learning program, which might be adapted to your personal needs. Maybe you need Serbian language for business reasons, or for family reasons, or you want to study in Serbia. Maybe you know basic grammar but your vocabulary is not good enough, or the other way around; maybe you are an absolute beginner. In any of these cases, online lessons offer adequate solution.7) Terms are flexible.
You may have lessons late at the evening, or early in the morning, or in some other term when is the most convenient for you. You may have steady term, or schedule every lesson individually.8) Thanks to the Internet, space distance is not important anymore.
If I am the right person for you as a Serbian language teacher, we may have lessons while you are in Canada or Australia, and while I am in Europe or while we both are traveling. Disappearance of space limitations is a huge advantage of the Internet.For more information read about courses , learning method and write me if you have any questions.
Učenje putem Skajpa nije ništa novo. Već deceniju ljudi širom sveta uče strani jezik, ili sviranje muzičkog instrumenta, ili imaju poslovne intervjue, i još mnogo toga - preko interneta, pomoću Skajpa ili sličnih programa. Ipak, neki su još uvek skeptični prema ovoj metodi i misle da to nije za njih. Evo nekoliko razmišljanja na temu - zašto su časovi srpskog jezika preko interneta bolji od drugih metoda učenja.
1) Učite iz udobnosti sopstvenog doma.
Naučiti nov jezik nije lako i zato želite da obezbedite sebi najprijatnije uslove, a nigde nije komfornije nego u sopstvenom domu.2) Ušteda vremena i novca koje biste potrošili na prevoz.
Jezik se uči najmanje šest meseci, a često i nekoliko godina. Sračunajte koliko je to novca potrošenog na put do privatnog nastavnika ili škole, i natrag. Ušteda nije nimalo mala.Isto važi i za utrošeno vreme.
3) Onlajn časovi su efektniji jer su direktni - to je razgovor oči u oči.
Kada imate čas preko Skajpa, nastavnik je maksimalno fokusiran na učenika, i obrnuto. Kontakt je direktan, oči u oči. Ništa ne odvlači Vašu pažnju.4) Materijal za učenje je besplatan.
Pre svakog časa na svoju imejl adresu dobijete dosta materijala za učenje, koji se sastoji od raznih word dokumenata, slika i linkova. Od tog trenutka materijal pripada Vama, i možete ga kasnije i samostalno koristiti.5) Onlajn časovi pružaju više interaktivnosti.
Možete gledati i komentarisati sa nastavnikom video na YouTube-u, možete odigrati tokom časa igricu iz gramatike ili učiti jezik uz zvuke i reči neke pesme. Na onlajn časovima koristimo sve prednosti Interneta. Interaktivnost je važan deo onlajn časova, a što su više angažovana Vaša čula - pre ćete naučiti srpski jezik.6) Onlajn časovi su prilagođeni potrebama učenika.
Nastavnik se pridržava generalnog plana i programa, ali u procesu učenja prilagođava se i Vašim ličnim potrebama. Onlajn časovi su vrlo individualni. Možda Vam je srpski jezik potreban da komunicirate sa porodicom i prijateljima, ili iz poslovnih razloga, ili zbog studiranja u Srbiji. Možda znate osnove gramatike, ali Vam je vokabular slaba strana, ili obrnuto; ili ste možda potpuni početnik. U svakoj od ovih situacija, onlajn časovi pružaju adekvatan odgovor.7) Termini časova su fleksibilni.
Možete imati časove kasno uveče, rano ujutru, ili u neko drugo doba dana kada Vama najviše odgovara. Možete imati stalni termin svake sedmice, ili zakazivati svaki čas posebno.8) Zahvaljujući Internetu, prostorna distanca ne postoji.
Ukoliko Vam baš ja odgovaram kao nastavnik srpskog jezika, možemo imati časove dok ste Vi u Kanadi ili Australiji, a ja u Evropi. Jedna od velikih prednosti Interneta je što je ukinuo prostorne granice.
Za više informacija, čitajte o kursevima , metodu učenja srpskog jezika preko interneta i pišite mi.
In this post I will
translate and explain few Serbian common swearwords.

Swearwords throw
interesting light on a language and they often carry metaphorical potential. I
hope you will agree with me after reading this post. I am looking forward to hear your comments.
But please, if you find
swearwords and writing about them offensive or inappropriate, stop reading this text. Switch
to some text about Stanoraya and Farm, or about terrorism, thank you.
’Marš u pičku materinu!’
This one is in use when you
are really angry at somebody and you are right (at least you are strongly
convinced that you are right).
Word ‘marš’ means – ‘go away!’ but said in a very harsh tone of
The whole expression means
– ‘Go back into your mother’s cunt!’ Metaphorically speaking – it would be
better that you have never been born.
This curse might be
sometimes used in a totally opposite way, as a joke, with meaning – ‘C’mon, you
don’t say!’
‘Jebem ti krvavo sunce!’
This one is my favorite
because I never understood who would say something like that about the Sun.
It literally means – ‘I
fuck your bloody Sun.’
Can you imagine the scene?
A guy is putting his phallus into the shiny star covered with blood. Pretty
impressive, right?
‘Jebaću ti brata/sestru/oca/majku!’
‘I will fuck your
By these swearwords
somebody is expressing intention to break the ancient taboo – taboo of incest. Verb ‘jebati’ (‘to fuck’) is often used in swearwords with violent
connotation. It sounds more as a treat than as an act
of giving and receiving pleasure.
Future tense is used, so,
this swearword sounds like a promise. Very offensive one.
‘Jebem ti i seme i pleme’
‘I fuck your seed and your
These swearwords are
taking us to the ancient time of tribes. We may interpret them as – I am so angry
at you that I want to fuck (read ‘hurt’) your beginning (your seed) and your ancestors
(your tribe), so, I want to go into the time before you were born and to… We can only imagine what would have happened further. Inventor of this curse went far away;
his idea belongs to the science fiction.
‘Bog te jebo!’
‘May God fuck you!’
(There is also an opposite
version to this one – Jebem ti Boga – I fuck your God.) This expression is not
an insult; it is used to express our astonishment by something.
‘To je pičkin
This expression means – ‘That
is an easy accomplishment’ or literally ‘That is a cunt’s smoke’. Why is cunt’s
smoke easy and irrelevant, or is it relevant, what does it symbolize - we may only guess. According to the funny web dictionary ‘Vukajlija’ – pičkin dim does not actually exist in a real life (even if some people have been searching for it). The expression is compound word,
made from ‘pička’ and ‘dim’ (first word has two meanings - 'weak man'/'cunt', and
smoke); both words symbolize something weak and easy to go through, without
We mentioned collection of erotic-porn poetry, published by
Vuk Stefanović Karadžić two centuries ago, the book ‘Crven
ban’ (‘Red Duke’). The title is a metaphor for sexual organ, as you might assume. Some of the poems, full of swearwords, you may hear here. It's an interesting poetry, I hope you will enjoy it.
Read more about Serbian
swearwords in texts Fuck this article and Serbian Swearing .
And let’s finish this post with an old joke:
- Do you know where is the border between Serbia and Montenegro?
- It is where you stop fucking mothers and start fucking fathers!
Swearwords are vivid part of the Serbian language, they are in common use and they are changing, just like the language.
Lidija Novaković Lagrini
Swearwords are vivid part of the Serbian language, they are in common use and they are changing, just like the language.
Lidija Novaković Lagrini
For everything else you want to know about this topic, or how to learn Serbian online with a help of a Serbian teacher, send me an email to
Ako želite da unapredite svoje znanje srpskog jezika, ili znate nekoga ko želi da počne da uči "od nule" naš lepi jezik, pišite mi na navedenu adresu.
Here are some useful phrases which you may use in everyday life.
Dobar dan.
Kako ste?
Nije loše.
Hvala, dobro sam.
Izvinite gospodine, gde je ulica Majke Jevrosime?
Izvinite, koliko je sati?
Dajte mi dve karte do Novog Sada.
Konobar, želela bih da naručim.
Ko je ona lepa devojka?
Hvala puno.
Vozite me na adresu Majke Jevrosime 32.
Izvinite, gde je železnička stanica?
Izvini devojko, gde je stanica autobusa broj 16?
Ja nisam odavde.
Ja sam student.
Moja adresa je Majke Jevrosime 32.
Ja sam Ana. Imam 36 godina.
Kako se ti zoveš?
Zovem se Marko.
Drago mi je.
Srećan rođendan!
Srećan put!
Dobro došli!
Ja učim srpski jezik.
For everything else you want to know about this topic, or how to learn Serbian online with a help of a Serbian teacher, send me an email to
Ako želite da unapredite svoje znanje srpskog jezika, ili znate nekoga ko želi da počne da uči "od nule" naš lepi jezik, pišite mi na navedenu adresu.
Top 10 razloga za učenje srpskog jezika
My job is to teach Serbian as a foreign language and very often I hear the question: 'Sorry, but why would someone learn Serbian?' Hmm... Ok, you asked for this post.
1) To be able to understand Balkan sense of humor
People on the Balkans make jokes about everything and everyone. Nobody is so fast to invent a joke and to react in a new situation with humor as Serbians and Bosnians. These jokes are sharp, witty and hilarious, and trust me, you would be rolling on the floor laughing.
2) Balkan people will appreciate your effort
Doesn't matter if you are only a beginner and if your pronunciation is far from good - Balkan people will appreciate the fact that you are putting an effort to learn their language.
Nobody will switch to English while you are trying to speak Serbian, nobody will laugh at you. You will get lots of support, help and smiles.
3) To be able to order delicious Balkan food
If you want to eat in a restaurant and you are able to order by yourself: pljeskavica sa kajmakom, burek, sarma, jagnjeći kotleti, ćevapčići, teleći škembići, čvarci, musaka sa mlevenim mesom, proja, sarmice od zelja, punjene paprike, svadbarski kupus sa dimljenim mesom, pileći paprikaš, pihtije, ajvar, pasulj sa kobasicama, jagnjetina pod sačem ... mmmm... your pleasure will be doubled.
4) To learn easier other Slavic languages
If you already know Serbian, it will be much easier for you to learn some other Slavic language: Belorussian, Russian, Ukrainian, Czech, Slovakian, Polish, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Slovenian, etc.
There are many similarities in vocabulary. Also, these languages have cases as in Serbian.
5) To open a startup company on the Balkans
Yes, it's true what people say - paperwork is too complicated and some things (Pay Pall for instance) are not working the way you are used to. But it doesn't mean that startup company on the Balkans is not a good idea.
Some business areas are not developed enough (for example: consultant services, internet banking, ecological tourism... - you do the research, I am a Serbian teacher, not an economist) and that might be a great business opportunity. Discover what is missing and start your own company.
Of course, knowledge of Serbian language would be a great advantage.
6) To read Serbian writers in original
Maybe we don't have a good marketing for our culture, but we have some of the best writers in a world. You might say that I am subjective about it, but I am firmly standing behind my opinion.
Primarily I am talking about the writers between two world wars (in the age of vanguard) and about some contemporary writers.
Miloš Crnjanski, Borisav Pekić, Isidora Sekulić, Rastko Petrović, Momčilo Nastasijević, Rade Drainac, Ivo Andrić, Milorad Pavić, Danilo Kiš, Vasko Popa, Miodrag Bulatović, Vladimir Pištalo, Jelena Lengold, Branko Miljković, Petar Petrović Njegoš... And then some!
7) To understand languages of other Balkan nations
If you speak and understand Serbian, you will be able to understand perfectly someone from Bosnia, Croatia, Monte Negro, and pretty much someone from Macedonia. Another four countries, ain't it enough ?
I won't go now into polemic if Serbian and Croatian are one the same language or two separate languages (I will just whisper into your ear - it is one language). The differences among them are probably not bigger than differences between British and American English.
Understanding is important. So, if you want more understanding on the Balkans, learn Serbian.
As an old Serbian proverb says: Speak Serbian if you want to be understood by the whole world. (?!)
8) To talk with Serbian farmers
If you, by any chance, find yourself in some distant Serbian village, local people will be very excited to talk with you, because they don't have an opportunity to talk with foreigners very often. Of course, they probably don't speak any other language but Serbian. So, if you don't speak Serbian, with all help of arms and legs, you won't be able to communicate much.
If you speak even a little bit of Serbian, you will be surprised how witty and wisdom words you may hear from these people.
About corn field, about nature, about life.
About corn field, about nature, about life.
9) Number of Serbian language speakers is higher than 12 million people
Not an negligible number, isn't it? According to estimation of respectful linguist Ranko Bugarski.
10) Find your own personal reason
a) To experience Serbian clubbing (Though, for this activity language is not really necessary. You also may just have a drink or two and move your hips in a rhythm. But it's nicer if you are able to communicate with all these great young people.)
b) To touch Slavic soul - soul of a nation is in its language...
c) To finally understand what is Goran Bregovic singing about (which is not easy even when you are a native speaker).
d) To brag in front of your friends that you know how to read the exotic alphabet - Cyrillic.
e) To know how to swear in Serbian - everybody loves to hear and to repeat these.
f) To be able to say to your love: Ti si moja duša i srce!
g) You tell me.
Lidija Novakovic Lagrini
For everything else you want to know about this topic, or how to learn Serbian online with a help of a Serbian teacher, send me an email to
Ako želite da unapredite svoje znanje srpskog jezika, ili znate nekoga ko želi da počne da uči "od nule" naš lepi jezik, pišite mi na navedenu adresu.
Make an online appointment
b) To touch Slavic soul - soul of a nation is in its language...
c) To finally understand what is Goran Bregovic singing about (which is not easy even when you are a native speaker).
d) To brag in front of your friends that you know how to read the exotic alphabet - Cyrillic.
e) To know how to swear in Serbian - everybody loves to hear and to repeat these.
f) To be able to say to your love: Ti si moja duša i srce!
g) You tell me.
Lidija Novakovic Lagrini
For everything else you want to know about this topic, or how to learn Serbian online with a help of a Serbian teacher, send me an email to
Ako želite da unapredite svoje znanje srpskog jezika, ili znate nekoga ko želi da počne da uči "od nule" naš lepi jezik, pišite mi na navedenu adresu.
Make an online appointment