Serbian Idioms - Exercises for the Advanced Learners

An idiom is a phrase or a fixed expression that has a figurative meaning. For every translator, it's the most difficult part of the job to translate the idioms. But challenging and inspiring as well. How well do you know Serbian idioms ? Test your knowledge and then check your answers with Serbian teacher online. 

What does it mean:

1) Bacila sam oko na njega.          

A) I need glasses.
B) I like his eyes.
C) I like him. 

2) Upala joj sekira u med.

A) She likes to eat honey. 
B) She got very lucky.
C) She is very attractive. 

3) I vuk sit i ovce na broju.

A) Win-win situation.
B) Very sad situation.
C) Material well being. 

4) Spava ko zaklan.

A) He died. 
B) He sleeps tight.
C) He is restless in his sleep.

5) Pijan je ko majka.

A) He is very sober.
B) He is very drunk.
C) He is actually my mother.

6) Ko rano rani, dve sreće grabi.

A) It's good and productive to wake up early. 
B) I am depressed, I want  to sleep the whole day.
C) If you get up early, you feel very sleepy the whole day. 

7) On lupa kao Maksim po diviziji.

A) He is very intelligent person.
B) He is talking nonsense.
C) He is telling a joke. 

8) Obrao si zelen bostan. 

A) You got yourself into a big trouble.
B) You haven't learned enough for the exam.
C) You should take a bath. 

9) Ma, pusti ga kad je na tri ćoška.

A) Let him go, he is only joking.
B) Let him go, he is nervous and sensitive. 
C) Let him go, he is not telling you the truth.

10) Izgledaš ko da su te krave žvakale.

A) Your clothes is in a mess.
B) You are real animal lover.
C) You are not very smart.

11) Smeje se ko lud na brašno.

A) He is laughing but he is sad.
B) He is laughing for no reason.
C) He is laughing at himself. 

Write me

Serbian Teacher Online
Lidija Novakovic Lagrini 

How to motivate yourself to continue with learning Serbian language

If you have been started with learning Serbian, that already means that you have basic motivation and a reason for learning this Slavic language. But Serbian language is not easy and you will experience ups and downs in your motivation for learning.
Let's see what can we do about it.

1) What is your goal with learning Serbian ? 

To be able to communicate with friends and family in Serbia ? To start your business in Serbia ? To study in Serbia ? Keep that is mind when you have motivation crises. Never forget your goal. And remember that big and important goals are never reached over the night. 

2) Appreciate small improvements. 

If you had problems before with mixing up pronouns (on ona ono oni one ona, ah, it really sounds so similar) and now you don't - appreciate that. If you don't make mistakes in 3rd person plural of present tense - appreciate that. If you are confident about your accusative, but still not totally comfortable with your locative, appreciate your accusative. Every small step is bringing you closer to the success.

3) Be realistic - new language is a new world. Give yourself time. 

There is so many new stuff to learn. Vocabulary, grammar rules, words order... It takes time. For someone a year, for someone three years. It's individual and don't pressure yourself about it. You need as much time as you need. 

4) Visualize yourself at the end of the road.

Imagine the moment when you are communicating with a family, working in Serbia, or study on one of Serbian faculties and you don't have any problems in understanding people around you. You feel good and accepted. 

5) Have fun with it.

Watch movies, play games, read comic books. Put stickers on your clothes and on house objects with words for them. Talk with children. Fun will increase your level of motivation.

6) Approach to the language from the different angles.

Similar to the number 5). Input as much variations as you can - when you are bored of grammar, take a walk and guess the names of things on your way. Do exercises and when you are bored with that, join some Serbian chat and contribute (say something :) ). Write a letter to a friend in your (limited, doesn't matter) Serbian, surprise him. 

7) Do a little bit every day.

Then you will constantly renew your motivation.
Make it to be a part of your daily routine. Give yourself small daily homework. Be free to use my blog for that purpose. 

Serbian Teacher Online
Lidija Novakovic Lagrini 

Comparison of Adjectives - Exercises for Advanced Learners of Serbian Language

Are you an advanced learner of Serbian language and you need some challenging exercises to practice your skill ? Then this is the right post for you. 

Use the right form of comparative or superlative:

1) Moja devojka je ______  (lep) od tvoje.
2) Nikad mi nije bilo ______ (dobar) nego sada.
3) Ana je moja ______ (dobar) drugarica.
4) Žuta paprika je _____ (ljut) od zelene.
5) Ovo ćebe je _____  (mekan) koje imam.
6) Ana je visoka, ali njena sestra je još ______ (visok).
7) Taj film mi je ______  (interesantan) od istoimene knjige.
8) Dijamant je ______ (tvrd) od bisera.
9) Ona je ______ (popularan) devojka u našoj školi.
10) Tvoji roditelji su ______ (tolerantan) od mojih.
11) Kada se ošišam, kosa će mi biti ______ (kratak) nego tvoja.
12) Na maturskoj večeri, _____ (veseo) je bio naš razredni.
13) Biće mnogo _____ (loše) nego što je sada.
14) Obuci se ______ (toplo), napolju je hladno.
15) Ti si _____ (lud) nego što sam mislila. 

Reminder: suffixes for making comparison in Serbian language are - ji, -iji, -ši.
Although, this rule is note very useful, because there are many letter alternations and several exceptions.

To check your answers, write to 
Serbian Teacher Online

Lidija Novakovic Lagrini 

Serbian Vocabulary Exercises 2

The tiny differences in pronunciation of Serbian words with difficult letters, and finding the right verb - always useful exercises, even for the advanced learners. 

Write the missing verbs:

1.    _____  hleb i _____ mleko za doručak.
2.    Ana _____ dobru knjigu.
3.    Marko _____ email njegovoj devojci.
4.    Mi _____ na more.
5.    Markovići _____ avionom.
6.    Deca _____ sa loptom i sa lutkama.
7.    On _____ o filmu.
8.    Ana i Stevan _____ na ulici.
9.    Sunce _____ ali _____ sneg.
10.                       Ja ne _____ vino, ali _____ rakiju.
11.                       U junu _____ Exit festival.
12.                       Naši prijatelji _____ autobus.

Underline the correct word:

13.                       PRICATI   PRIČATI
14.                       DŽEP    ĐEP
15.                       ĐONI DEP    DŽONI DEP
16.                       DECA      DEĆA
17.                       COKOLADA     ČOKOLADA
18.                       LJUBAV       LUBAV
19.                       NEGOVA      NJEGOVA
20.                       RUČAK        RUĆAK
21.                       ROĐAK       RODŽAK

Serbian Vocabulary Exercises

    During language learning process, the crucial is expanding and developing your vocabulary. These exercises are suitable for beginners and intermediate learners of Serbian language. Write to Serbian Teacher Online and check your answers. 

1.    Choose the right word:

Ptice ________ na drveću.   (ručaju, kuvaju, pevaju)
Mala deca _________ u pesku.  (igraju se, kupaju se, zovu se)
Njegova ________ zove se Ana.  (igračka, devojka, stolica)
Deda ______  auto.  (peva, vozi, spava)
Na ______  ima puno prirode, trave i drveća. (selu, krevetu, kauču)
Od ________ pravimo ajvar.  (mesa, jagoda, džema)
Ada je rečno ________. (more, vreme, ostrvo)
U ________ je veoma hladno. (januaru, junu, avgustu)
Moj __________ je 19. septembra.  (slava, rođendan, muškarac)
Tamo su sportski _______ za golf i tenis. (pljeskavice, tereni, pesme)

2.    Translate:

U januaru slavimo Božić.
Mama i baka kuvaju divna jela.
Grad je najlepši kada pada sneg.
Deca se igraju na snegu.
Moja devojka je najlepša.
Ptice dolaze sa juga.
Deca pevaju pesme.
I drink wine and eat roast.
My birthday is in July.
Birds are green and yellow.
Elephant is in the Yoo.
We walk in the park.
I am not called Ana.

3.    Choose the right word:

Moja baba ______  zeleni mercedes. (kuva/vozi/pravi)
Na ______  žive krave, konji i koze. (selu/gradu/snegu)
U proleće ________  jabuke.  (moraju/žele/cvetaju)
Deca ______ (spavaju/trče/kuvaju) u dvorištu.
Domaćice ______ (žele/prave/vole)  ajvar i džem.
Oktobar je ______  (hladan/topao/crven) mesec.
Raspust _______ (radi/čita/počinje) u julu.
Exit je srpski ________ (telefonirati/muzički/zeleni) festival.

4.    Translate:

Kada je slava, dolaze gosti.
Moram da spavam u 9 sati.
Deca vole da idu u školu.
Septembar i oktobar su jesenji meseci.
Zimi ljudi oblače tople kapute.
Strowberries blossom in May.
Children play in the backyard.

Today is fantastic day.

for more exercises write to 
Serbian Teacher Online 

Lidija Novakovic Lagrini