Reading exercises in Serbian Latin

The first steps in learning Serbian language are reading exercises.
Serbian teacher recommends that you start with texts in Serbian Latin.
In this blog post you may find poem for children Strašan lav by famous poet and aphorist Duško Radović and short story for children Lutka bez glave by Dragan Lukić.
For advanced readers of Serbian language, we suggest one love poem - Strepnja, from famous Serbian poet Desanka Maksimović and ballad Balada iz predgrađa by Dobriša Cesarić.
Reading texts in Serbian language is not difficult, because of the famous rule - ONE LETTER IS ONE SOUND. The rule applies for Latin Serbian alphabet as well as for Cyrillic alphabet.
In this faze, don't try to understand full meaning of the poems, just enjoy in pronunciation and sound of Serbian language.


Ne, nemoj mi prići! Hoću izdaleka

Da volim i želim oka tvoja dva.

Jer sreća je lepa samo dok se čeka,

Dok od sebe samo nagoveštaj da.

Ne, nemoj mi prići! Ima više draži

Ova slatka strepnja,čekanje i stra`.

Sve je mnogo lepše donde dok se traži

O čemu se samo tek po slutnji zna.

Ne, nemoj mi prići! Našto to, i čemu?

Iz daleka samo sve k`o zvezda sja;

Iz daleka samo divimo se svemu.

Ne, neka mi ne priđu oka tvoja dva.

Desanka Maksimović


Pred kućom, na ulici, sedi devojčica i drži lutku bez glave. Dok ljudi prolaze, ona razgovara sa lutkom. Jedan čika zastade pa joj reče:

- Kako možeš da razgovaraš sa lutkom koja nije živa?

- Ona je živa - brzo odgovori devojčica.

- Kako je živa kad nema glavu? 

- Ima glavu - odvrati devojčica. 

- Nema glavu - reče čika ljutito. 

- Ima...

- Nema... 

- Ali vi, čiko, ne umete da se igrate!

Dragan Lukić


Bio jednom jedan lav…

Kakav lav?

Strašan lav,

narogušen i ljut sav!

Strašno, strašno!

Išao je na tri noge,

gledao je na tri oka,

slušao je na tri uva…

Strašno, strašno!

Ne pitajte šta je jeo.

Taj je jeo šta je hteo

– tramvaj ceo

i oblaka jedan deo!

Strašno, strašno!

Zubi oštri, pogled zao,

on za milost nije znao!

Strašno, strašno!

Dok ga Brana

jednog dana

nije gumom izbrisao.

Strašno, strašno!

Duško Radović


I lije na uglu petrolejska lampa

svijetlost crvenkastožutu

na debelo blato kraj staroga plota

i dvije, tri cigle na putu.

I uvijek ista sirotinja uđje

i s licem na kojem su obično brige

u njezinu svjetlost iz mraka,

pređe je u par koraka.

A jedne večeri nekoga nema,

I nema ga sutra, ni prekosutra ne,

a morao bi proć;

I lampa gori,

i gori u magli,

i vec je noć.

i vele da bolestan leži,

i maj već mirise -

i nema ga mjesec, i nema ga dva,

i zima je već,

i sniježi.

A prolaze kao i dosad ljudi,

a njega nema, i nema, i nema,

i dvije, tri cigle na putu.

i nema ga više.

I lije na uglu petrolejska lampa

svijetlost crvenkastožutu

na debelo blato kraj staroga plota

Dobriša Cesarić

Good luck in learning Serbian with help of Serbian teacher!


For everything else you want to know about this topic, or how to learn Serbian online with a help of a Serbian teacher, send me an email to

Ako želite da unapredite svoje znanje srpskog jezika, ili znate nekoga ko želi da počne da uči "od nule" naš lepi jezik, pišite mi na navedenu adresu.

Lidija Novaković Lagrini,

your Serbian teacher online         

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Reading exercises - ćirilica

Dear Serbian language learners, when you are starting with learning Cyrillic, at the beginning it's not the most important that you understand the meaning of all written words. 

It's more important to recognize the letters, to pronounce them correctly, to feel the sound of Cyrillic. 

Some of Serbian Cyrillic letters are not easy to pronounce, they demand practice and they are different than Cyrillic letters in other countries which are using this alphabet. 

If you want to learn correct pronunciation and fluent reading, don't hesitate to ask for assistance of Serbian teacher online. 

Џ џинови, џем
Љ љуљати, љубити
Њ његов, њен
Ш шума, шуштати
Ч чупаво, чаршав 
Ж журити, жена
Ђ Ђенова, Ђура
З звоно, звук
Ћ ћорав, ћарлијати

Also take a look at the article Pronunciation of Serbian letters  .


Овај час, овај час,
Један пас,

На узици од свиле,
са ноктима лила,
С машницом од тила,
пролази крај нас.

Једна жена стара
Са њим разговара:

-Фифи, гледај право.
-Фифи, дигни реп.
-Фифи, пази дрво.
-Фифи, ниси слеп.
-Фифи, машну пази.
-Фифи, лепо гази.
-Фифи, то не њуши.
-Фифи, горе уши.
-Фифи, ти знаш ко си.
-Фифи, не пркоси.
-Фифи, језик ниже.
-Фифи, ходи ближе.
-Фифи, не скакући.
-Фифи, сад ћеш кући.

Тако Фифи живи
На узици од свиле,
Са ноктима лила,
Са машном од тила.

Тако жена стара
Са њим разговара.
Тако овај час
Прођоше крај нас.

Драган Лукић


Чуперак косе обично носе
неко на оку,
неко до носа,
ал има један плави
замисли где?
У мојој глави.

Како у глави да буде коса?

У глави.

То није чуперак плави
већ једне Сање из шестог а

Па шта?

Видећеш шта кад једног дана
чуперак нечије косе туђе
мало у твоју главу уђе,
па се умудриш,
па мало-мало па...поцрвениш,
па грицкаш нокте
и кријеш лице,
па шаљеш тајне цедуљице,
па нешто куњаш,
па се мучиш,
па учиш-а све којешта учиш.

Измешаш роткве и ромбоиде.
Измешаш ноте и пирамиде.
Измешаш лептире и градове.
И спортове и ручне радове.
И тропско биље. И старе Грке.
И лепо не знаш шта ћеш од муке.

Сад видиш шта је чуперак плави
Кад ти се данима мота по глави,
Па од дечака-правог јунака
Направи туњавка и неспретњака.

Мирослав Антић


Миш је добио грип
Па је сео у џип
И превалио пут дугачак
Да га прегледа доктор Мачак!

Доктор пацијента штипну,
Па цијент нешто зуцну,
Доктор му леђа пипну,
Затим га у чело куцну.

-Са моје тачке гледишта

Није ти ништа!

Љубивоје Ршумовић

How is it going?
What is easy and what is the most difficult for you?
Let me know,

Serbian teacher online
Lidija Novaković Lagrini

Make an online appointment

Conversation topics for Serbian language learners

Serbian teacher online suggests some conversation topics for Serbian language learners. These exercises are more suitable for intermediate or advanced learners of Serbian.

You may practice with:

1) Serbian teacher, 2) Family member or friend (native speaker), 3) Other Serbian learner.

Practise Serbian by playing different roles and have fun.

U prodavnici odeće razgovor kupca i prodavca (Conversation between salesperson and buyer in clothing store)

Iskoristi reči (use words): veličina, boja, pantalone, suknja, sako, košulja, majica, cena, mantil, kaput, jakna, probati…
Dodaj još reči koje znaš. (Add more familiar words.)

Na pijaci razgovor prodavca povrća i voća i kupca (Conversation between seller and buyer at the market)

Iskoristi reči (use words): kilo, pakovanje, krompir, kupus, šargarepa, paradajz, jabuke, banane, sir, gram, meriti, jagode, kesa, kostati...
Dodaj još reči koje znaš. (Add more familiar words.)

Na pecanju, razgovor dede i unuka (Out fishing, conversation between grandfather and grandson)

Iskoristi reči (use words): udica, mamac, voda, camac, štap za pecanje, riba, reka, šaran, som, girica…
Dodaj još reči koje znaš. (Add more familiar words.)

Upoznavanje sa poslovnim partnerom sa Balkana (First talk with bussiness partner from Balkans)

Iskoristi reči (use words): dobro dosli, menadzer, direktor, kolega, kancelarija, raditi, saradnja, preduzece, kompjuter
Dodaj još reči koje znaš. (Add more familiar words.)

Ljubavna svadja preko telefona (Lovers'quarrel over the phone)

Iskoristi reči (use words): ljubomora, fejsbuk, poruka, decko, devojka, zasto, ljutiti se, plakati, voleti, zeleti, pomiriti se
Dodaj još reči koje znaš. (Add more familiar words.)

If you want to get more topics, or you are curious how to learn Serbian online with a help of a Serbian teacher, send me an email to

Ako želite da unapredite svoje znanje srpskog jezika, ili znate nekoga ko želi da počne da uči "od nule" naš lepi jezik, pišite mi na navedenu adresu.

your Serbian teacher online,
Lidija Novaković Lagrini

Cyrillic for Children 4 - Ћирилица за децу 4


Recognize animals, colors, vegetables, fruits - Препознај животињу, боју, воће и поврће.




































Learn Serbian online with experienced teacher
Lidija Novaković Lagrini

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Serbian movies with English subtitles - Српски филмови са енглеским титлом

During online course of Serbian language, in intermediate faze of your learning, Serbian teacher will recommend watching movies with English subtitles. Learn Serbian through entertainment - by watching movies.

Serbian movies with English subtitles
The choice of Serbian movies with English subtitles online is not very wide, but it becomes better every day. 
It is possible to find really good classical or modern movies, with subtitles of a solid quality. 
This activity should be very useful for the expanding of Serbian vocabulary and it's highly recommended by Serbian teacher.
Enjoy the movies !


Buffet Titanic - drama

A film made by famous Balkan director Emir Kusturica. His name is a recommendation by itself. Many movie lovers agree that Kusturica gave his best in his early works, like in this movie from 1979.

Balkanski špijun (Balkan Spy) - black comedy

Leading character is Ilija Čvorović, in interpretation of famous Serbian actor Danilo Bata Stojković. As a former political prisoner, now he is suspicious about everything and everybody. The most 'suspicious' is his subtenant, businessman just returned from Paris. Ilija and his brother begin their own investigation against this man because they believe he is the national threat. Their investigation is weird, funny and absurd.

Podzemlje (Underground)

Another movie by Emir Kusturica, with many great Serbian actors - Miki Manojlovic, Slavko Stimac, Lazar Ristovski, Mirjana Karanovic, Mirjana Jokovic, etc. It's a black comedy and it has many surreal and grotesque elements which is providing really unique art experience for the audience. Music in a movie is made by Goran Bregovic, which also contributes to the whole impression. If you like crazy, rough, wild, poetic and Slavic soul movie experience, this one is perfect for you. 


I didn't watch this one, but I heard very positive opinions. This is said on IMDB: Several friends from the childhood lead their normal lives, when one their old friend returns to the city. They all get together, and what begins as a reunion party of close friends with lots of catching up to do, turns into an emotional rollercoaster of dark humor, bitterness, anger, grim soul searching... Through the very personal accounts of their own lives and lives of their school friends, we get to reveal the omninous mark the final decade of the twentieth century has left on them... 

Bitka na Sutjesci (The Battle of Sutjeska)

Classic of Yugoslav cinematography, made in 1973. One of the characters is Yugoslavian former president Tito. He was the president almost 40 years and he was loved and criticized. In movies, he is often presented as a hero and that is the case with this partisan movie. The curiosity is that Tito is played here by Richard Barton

Ko to tamo peva (Who's Singing Over There)

Eppic dark comedy from 1980. Many replicas from this movie are present today in spoken language. The bus is starting its journey and people in it are traveling to Belgrade, it's April 5, 1941... Lot of funny characters are in that bus - freshly married couple with inexperienced but passionate groom, ambitious singer and seducer, two young musicians, a clumsy hunter, the character played by Bata Stojkovic, I don't even know how to describe him - stubborn pain in the ass, crazy bus driver and his father... This gallery of characters is making  a specific atmosphere in a movie... Don't miss this one. 

Ljubav i drugi zlocini (Love and other crimes)

An unsatisfied woman in her late 30s dreams about stealing the big cash and leaving the country. She meets a petty criminal ten years her junior who has the thing for her, and she asks herself is he the only true love of her life. Main actors Anica Dobra and Vuk Kostic. 

Vidimo se u citulji (See You in Obituary)

Unique documentary about the chaotic Belgrade underworld in the early 1990s against the backdrop of wars in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Many of these guys shown in a movie ended very soon, as the title implies, on the cemetery.  

In general, Serbian cinematography offers a lot to the movie enthusiasts and film lovers. In these movies one may find exciting life stories, acting of high quality and Slavic soul poetics. 

If you want to know more about the topic or you need a recommendation, write me
Watching Serbian movies with English subtitles might make significant contribution to your knowledge of Serbian language. In any case, you may enjoy the movies.

Your Serbian teacher online, Lidija Novakovic Lagrini

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