'Basic Serbian for Adults' is a material for beginners who want to learn Serbian language. It's meant to be used with a help of Serbian teacher, but some of the exercises are also suitable for individual learning.
When you want to learn Serbian language, internet doesn't offer you so many options, even if we have many excellent teachers in our country. Quality material for learning Serbian is not so easily accessible online.
You may visit website with the good grammar explanations here or colorful blog Slovce here with different contents.
Besides that, I sincerely don't have other good options to recommend. If you know some other good websites for learning Serbian, feel free to post links in comments bellow.
I am a Serbian teacher for many years in schools and online. To spread our beautiful language around the world is my personal and national interest.
The material which you may find in this post contains pictures, exercises and grammar rules, and it's meant to be used with a help of Serbian teacher.
In first five lessons we are learning about:
2) Family members
4) Personal pronouns in Serbian
5) Verb 'zvati se'
6) Auxiliary verb 'jesam'
7) Body parts
8) How to say time in Serbian
9) Colors
10) Present tense of regular verbs
11) Verb 'nisam'
12) Numbers, days, months in Serbian language
Ako ste početnik u učenju srpskog jezika, nema puno kvalitetnog materijala za učenje dostupnog onlajn. Ima nekoliko kvalitetnih blogova i sajtova, i to je sve.
Materijal koji možete preuzeti na ovoj strani predviđen je da se koristi uz pomoć nastavnika. Neka od vežbanja su takođe pogodna za samostalno učenje.
Enjoy in learning Serbian!
Lidija Novaković Lagrini
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