Modal Constructions in Serbian Language

In everyday conversations, we very often use modal constructions.The formula for making modal construction in present tense in Serbian language is:


Modal verbs in every language are the verbs which usually demand other verb.
Like in English examples: I have to go. You may proceed. I want to talk. We need to stay. etc.

These verbs often have the irregular conjugation. Let’s first see the conjugation of these verbs (and later we’ll see them in a role of modal verbs):

MOĆI (may) – iregular verb
Ja mogu
Ti možeš
On, ona, ono može
Mi možemo
Vi možete
Oni, one, ona mogu

HTETI (want) – this verb is iregular, modal and auxiliary verb
Ja hoću/ću
Ti hoćeš/ćeš
On, ona, ono hoće/će
Mi hoćemo/ćemo
Vi hoćete/ćete
Oni, one, ona hoće/će

MORATI (must, have to) – regular verb

SMETI (to be allowed) – regular verb

ŽELETI (wish) – iregular verb
Ja želim
Ti želiš
On, ona, ono želi
Mi želimo
Vi želite
Oni, one, ona žele

VOLETI (love, like) – the same conjugation as ŽELETI

TREBATI (need) – this verb is special and it is only in use in its modal form:
Ja treba da...
Ti treba da...
On, ona, ono treba da...
Mi treba da...
Vi treba da...
Oni, one, ona treba da...

ZNATI – regular verb

In modal constructions, these verbs are used with the conjunction DA.
Ja znam da plivam
Ti treba sada da spavaš.
Mi moramo da učimo.
Vi smete još malo da spavate.
Ona želi da uči nemački jezik.
On može da ide.
Ja ću sada da kuvam.

When you learn how to make  modal constructions in Serbian language, that will be a nice way to say your message in conversation and to improve your communication skills. If you want to learn Serbian modal construction in past tense, write me

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Lidija Novaković Lagrini


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