Exercise - 'Da li' sentences (Intermediate level)

Learn how to make questions in Serbian. 'Da li' sentences are the basic way of asking question, when the expected answer is Yes or No.

They always start with 'da li' and it's easier to make them in Serbian than in English. 

Common formulas:                 

DA LI  +  AUXILIARY VERB  +  SUBJECT +  other parts                

DA LI  +  AUXILIARY VERB  +  other parts                



Translate sentences:

Are you well?
Is she pretty?
Am I your brother?
Are we going?
Are you professors?
Is he a good man?
Is she your child?
Are they here?
Am I from Venezuela? 
Is it cold?

Da li je ona gospođa Petrović?
Da li je beba dečak?
Da li je on tvoj otac?
Da li je to vaša kuća?
Da li sam lepa?
Da li je danas ponedeljak?

If you are interested in Serbian courses or you want to check your answers, contact Serbian teacher online.

Learn Serbian online with
Lidija Novaković Lagrini

Vocabulary and Grammar Exercises - Intermediate Level


Try to solve these exercises from Serbian vocabulary and grammar. When you finish, write to Serbian teacher online to check your answers.  

        Grammar (personal pronouns, possessive pronouns, auxiliary verb ‘jesam’, cases (nominativ, genitiv, lokativ), question words, plural)

1. Translate to English:
supa - ___________                    kiša - __________
dečak - ___________              ujak -  ____________
soba - ___________            krompir - ____________
veče - ___________                zima - ____________
deda - ________                       park - ____________
kompjuter - _______             vreme - _____________
ružna - _____________        teško - _____________
pričati - _____________    sedeti - _____________

3.    Translate to Serbian:
wife - __________               sister - _____________
house - ___________        secret - ______________
sleep - _________         come - ______________
story - ________            girl - _______________
mother -_________        truth - _______________
work -____________        learn - _____________
student - ____________     day - _______________
happy - _____________    love - ______________
face - ______________     ears - _______________
red - _______________   21 - ________________

3. Feel the blanks with personal pronouns:
____  gledam film.
____   su stigli.
Ko je ____ ?
_____  govorimo srpski.
____ je moj muž.

4.    Underline possessive pronouns:
Naša porodica živi na selu. Članovi porodice su moja baka, njena sestra, naš deda i otac. Moja majka se odselila u Nemačku. Kakva je tvoja porodica?

5.     Feel the blanks with proper form of auxiliary verb ‘jesam’:
Mi ______ kod kuće.
Tvoja sestra ____ uvek tužna.
Ti ____  moj drug.
Petar i Ana ____ u bioskopu.
U našoj kući, vi ____ dobrodošli.

Ja ____ srećna.

When you want to learn Serbian, it's very important to exercise a lot. Serbian web space is not very rich with exercises for learning Serbian. Write me what types of tasks you would like to see more often on my blog. 

If you want to get more exercises like this from Serbian vocabulary and grammar, or you are curious how to learn Serbian language online with help of Serbian teacher, send me an email.

Ako želite da unapredite svoje znanje srpskog jezika, ili znate nekoga ko želi da da uči naš lepi jezik, pišite mi na navedenu adresu.

Lidija Novaković Lagrini


Hi Serbian learners!
Do you like exercises on my blog? Do you find them fun and useful?
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Learn Serbian online in fun and easy way.

1) Comprehension exercises. 

Small package of 15 exercises - 12 EUROS;
Big package of 50 exercises  - 22 EUROS.
You may choose exercises for:
a) children, b) adult beginners, c) adult intermediate learners, or d) adult advanced learners.

Examples of exercises:
For children
For adults

2) Grammar exercises.

Small package of 15 exercises - 12 EUROS;
Big package of 50 exercises - 22 EUROS.
You may choose exercises for:
a) children, b) adult beginners, c) adult intermediate learners, or d) adult advanced learners.

Examples of exercises
For adults

3) Vocabulary exercises.

Small package of 15 exercises - 12 EUROS;
Big package of 50 exercises  - 22 EUROS.
You may choose exercises for:
a) children, b) adult beginners, c) adult intermediate learners, or d) adult advanced learners.

Examples of exercises
For adults

4) Mixed exercises - Comprehension, grammar and vocabulary. 

Small package of 15 exercises - 12 EUROS;
Big package of 50 exercises  - 22 EUROS.
You may choose exercises for:
a) children, b) adult beginners, c) adult intermediate learners, or d) adult advanced learners.

Email for your orders:


For every assistance, advice or help, you may always write me.

Lidija Novaković Lagrini
Serbian Teacher Online

Serbian for Children (part 2) - Srpski za decu (2. deo)

If you want to help your child to learn Serbian language, check some of the exercises for the youngest. 

Pogodi: Koja sam ja krava?
Can you guess: Which cow am I?

Zdravo, deco!
Ja sam krava Lili.
Moja koža je bele boje, a moje šare nisu ni crvene, ni crne, ni žute, a ni zelene.
Imam jednu šaru oko levog oka. 
Imam male rogove i dugačak rep, kao i svaka krava.
Moji prijatelji kažu da ja imam puno šara.
Zato me neki zovu Šarenka, ali ja više volim svoje moderno ime Lili.

Pogledajte dobro, deco!
Da li možete da pogodite ko sam ja?

To check your answer, write to Serbian Teacher Online.

Learn Serbian online with 
Lidija Novaković Lagrini

Šta će Ana obući? (Comprehension Exercise for Advanced Learners of Serbian Language)

When you learn Serbian online, the main advice is: do as much exercises as you can find.

Look at the picture and read the text carefully. Ana and Milan are talking about her dinner plans and what clothes would be the most appropriate for the evening event. Can you answer the question: What outfit will Ana choose?

Šta će Ana obući?

Milan: Gde ideš večeras?
Ana: Jednom kolegi je rođendan, pa u firmi imamo proslavu.
Milan: U onom restoranu na sedmom spratu?
Ana: Da, tamo.
Milan: Lepo. Da li si odlučila šta ćeš obući?
Ana: Nisam još. Želim da se obučem lepo i da se doteram, ali da ne preterujem. Tako da ništa kratko ili seksi ne dolazi u obzir. 
Milan: Sećam se jednom sam te video u divnoj sivoj haljini. I lepo se slagala uz tvoju frizuru. Nosila si punđu.
Ana: Da, lepa je ta haljina. Ali je previše stroga. Ovo je ipak opušteni događaj - rođendanska žurka. 
Milan: Lepo ti stoji i kosa opušteno začešljana unazad.
Ana: Da, mislim da će to biti moj izbor. I plave kapri pantalone i baletanke. 
Milan: Sjajno zvuči. Jesi li sigurna da nećeš obući kupaći kostim? Mislim da taj restoran ima bazen na terasi.
Ana: Da, sigurna sam. Pogledaj kroz prozor. Pada sneg. 

What outfit will Ana choose?

If you want to get more exercises like this from Serbian comprehension, or you are curious how to learn Serbian language online with help of Serbian teacher, send me an email.

Ako želite da unapredite svoje znanje srpskog jezika, ili znate nekoga ko želi da da uči naš lepi jezik, pišite mi na navedenu adresu.

Lidija Novaković Lagrini