How well do you know CASES in Serbian ?

Cases are the important part in a process of learning Serbian language. There are 7 cases in singular and 7 cases in plural and it's not easy to know them all. For correct use of cases usually is needed to spend some time among native speakers and to be an advanced learner of Serbian. It's useful if you already know other Slavic language, because cases are characteristic of Slavic languages. How good are you in cases? Check your knowledge. 

Choose the correct case:

1) Čitala sam _____ .      a) strip, b) stripom, c) stripe
2) Marko ima lepu _______ .    a) devojka, b) devojke, c) devojku
3) Pišem pismo _______ .    a) olovka, b) olovke, c) olovkom
4) ______  putuje vozom.      a) Mariju, b) Marija, c) Marijom
5) Marko je doneo _____ cveće.      a) Mariju, b) Marija, c) Mariji
6) Vidimo se sutra u 7 ispred ______ .      a) škole, b)škola, c) školom
7) Moja ________  je malo nervozna.       a) drugarici, b) drugarica, c) drugarice
8) Okrenuo sam se za lepim _________ .      a) devojke, b) devojaka, c) devojkama

Do you have some dilemmas about your answers?
If you do, and if you want to schedule a free conversation about Serbian lessons online, write me: 

Learn Serbian online with
Lidija Novaković Lagrini  

Serbian Comprehension Exercises

Serbian Grammar Exercises

If you want to learn Serbian online, here are some useful exercises that you might try. If you want to start the online lessons of Serbian language here are information about it.

DA LI sentences

Vocabulary and Grammar Exercises for Intermediate Level

Serbian Grammar - Exercises for Beginners (part 3)

Serbian Grammar - Exercises for Beginners (part 2)

Serbian Grammar - Exercises for Beginners (part 1)

Auxiliary Verb JESAM (SAM)



Learn Serbian online with
Lidija Novaković Lagrini

How to Make Gibanica? (Serbian Dishes - part 1)

Probably you have already tasted Serbian gibanica. It's similar to famous burek, but not completely the same. There are few versions of it. I will present you my favorite recipe for the gibanica. This version is called 'gužvara'. You may read the recipe in Serbian and in English; so, you may compare and learn some new words besides learning how to make this delicious dish. 

Potrebno Vam je: kore (1 pakovanje), 500 gr belog sira, šolja jogurta, čaša kisele vode, 5 jaja, 2 kašičice soli, decilitar ulja. 
Zagrejte rernu na 200 stepeni. Nauljite tepsiju. Stavite tri kore na dno. 
Pomešajte sir, jogurt, kiselu vodu, 4 jaja, 1,5 kašičicu soli i ulje i napravite kompaktnu smesu. 
Jednu po jednu koru umačite i smesu pa je zgužvajte i ređajte u tepsiju. Na kraju prelijte sve ostatkom smese. Stavite još dve kore preko svega. 
Umutite 1 jaje sa malo ulja i pola kašičice soli. Prelijte gibanicu.
Pecite u rerni oko 35 minuta.

You will need: kore (1 package) (I left this Serbian word, because there is no good English alternative; in Serbia ask for 'kore' and in other countries you may also find it in Turkish stores, they call it 'jufka'), 500 gr white cheese, cup of yogurt, glass of mineral water, 5 eggs, 2 teaspoons of salt, 1 deciliter of oil.
Preheat oven to 200 degrees. Take big baking dish and oil it a little bit. Place three kore on the bottom. 
Mix cheese, yogurt, mineral water, 4 eggs, 1,5 teaspoon of salt and oil, and make a compact mixture. 
Take one by one kore, crumple it, immerse it into mixture. Place them next to each other in baking dish. When you finish, pour the remains of mixture over everything. Put 2 kore on the top.
Whisk 1 egg with little bit of salt and oil. Pour that small mixture over gibanica. Then, it is ready for the oven.
Bake it in oven for about 35 minutes.

Learn Serbian online while making delicious dishes,
Lidija Novaković Lagrini  

Exercise - 'Da li' sentences (Intermediate level)

Learn how to make questions in Serbian. 'Da li' sentences are the basic way of asking question, when the expected answer is Yes or No.

They always start with 'da li' and it's easier to make them in Serbian than in English. 

Common formulas:                 

DA LI  +  AUXILIARY VERB  +  SUBJECT +  other parts                

DA LI  +  AUXILIARY VERB  +  other parts                



Translate sentences:

Are you well?
Is she pretty?
Am I your brother?
Are we going?
Are you professors?
Is he a good man?
Is she your child?
Are they here?
Am I from Venezuela? 
Is it cold?

Da li je ona gospođa Petrović?
Da li je beba dečak?
Da li je on tvoj otac?
Da li je to vaša kuća?
Da li sam lepa?
Da li je danas ponedeljak?

If you are interested in Serbian courses or you want to check your answers, contact Serbian teacher online.

Learn Serbian online with
Lidija Novaković Lagrini